Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dungeons & Despondency

(reposted from my G+ ramble)
After reading that one blog post about Negadungeons/reading about the new edit of DFD, I joked about "Dungeons & Despondency". But now I kinda want that to be a thing

Character Sheet:

Who Are You?

Greatest Sin Committed:
Worst Pain Inflicted Upon You:
An Atrocity You've Witnessed:
If the Black Crows Came for You Tonight, How Many Would Care?
What's Your Biggest Regret?
Worst Pain Inflicted On Your Person by Yourself:
Why Do you Delve Into Things Best Left Unknown?
What Have You Seen That You Should Not Have?

All attacks inflict one hit upon a target unless otherwise noted. PC's have 2 Physical and 2 Mental Hits available at first level, gaining 1new hit availability of their choice per every 2 levels. All attacks require a body location roll. All hits cause wounds and exhaustion.

To hit requires a roll of 8 or higher on 2d6. Armor has Physical Hits. 1 extra for boiled leather, 2 for chain, 3 for plate. Committing horrible actions has a possibility of producing mental instability or physical mutations depending on circumstances. That's up to the game master.

Everything around you is a "negadungeon". There is no hope. You are likely shunned from most civilized areas. However they need you and your kind to transport things across the misery filled lands and to get artifacts and such, so you are valued as much as you are reviled. They don't expect to see you again though so payment may even be a lie.

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