Saturday, September 27, 2014

Laser Gun Damage in D&D

I've seen a whole lot of OSR-styled sci-fi supplements and rpgs and one thing always annoys me:

Laser damage

Lasers (or even regular guns) are always given around 1d8 to 2d8 damage.

Even weak pistols murdered anyone not in full plate. Wearing chain? You're gone. Let alone a damned laser.

I understand it's likely for game balance but if you're going to import LASER GUNS into a fantasy RPG setting, then you're going to really need to up the ante. Those things need to grievously wound on impact.

So let's go back and take a look at Barrier Peaks, because I'm curious what the differences in damage are.

 Ok so what we see here is a very weak laser pistol. Wrist mounted little blaster. Not as unusual looking as its sister the blaster pistol thankfully.

So what do we have. Weak laser at 2d8 + the target's AC. So on an average we're looking at around 8 + 5 for chainmail in 1e. That's 14 on an average situation. Not too bad for a weak pistol. But what, there's more.  ((EDITS: I've been correctly on my dice stats. 2dx average is actually x+1. Things I did not know!))

You have to make a save or you can be petrified, and each failed save has a 10% chance of hitting a body part, which on a 1 is instant death. A laser beam from this pistol will cut through 6" of steel or 1' of iron alone a 1' line. Negative AC (aka MAGIC ARMOR) reduces damage.

How powerful is this thing despite its lower damage? That's terrifying. 13 average damage and you probably lose the usage of an arm until you get it healed up. That's enough to ruin many adventurers. To be fair if you save you don't take any damage, but still.

Now let's compare it to something I recently downloaded, Technology & Trolls

The Laser Pistol listed in its booklet is a 2d6. Still better than common 1d8 listings. But it's just 2d6. No effects, no extra damage, a straight 7 damage. And you're still only shooting a shot a round.

So if the rather well known precedent of Barrier Peaks exists with its surprisingly powerful lasers, why are people still weakening these weapons so badly? If you're gonna put them in, you may as well go whole hog. I don't understand it.

If as a DM you're afraid of it being overused? That's a very obvious worry, and a fair one. Give it minimal shots remaining and no other clips. Or give it a good warhammery jam/break roll. You can do a lot, but nerfing your lasers in a setting where most people are wearing leather just seems a very weak way to add the sci- into your -fi.
(Note: this isn't a diss on Tech and Trolls specifically, it's a nice, convenient pdf. I have a good few like it but I always enjoy them all. Wizardawn makes some pretty darn nifty things.)

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